Tory (H)unts…


Today around the country pampered privileged thugs in fancy dress will be riding around the countryside in pursuit of foxes. The hunting act which was passed in 2004 made it an offence to hunt mammals with hounds.
The police do not appear to take this act seriously and rarely prosecute individuals involved in this illegal practice. This may have something to do with the fact that the evil perpetrators of this violent practice are politicians (mainly Tory) or often hold positions of seniority in the Police Service & Judiciary. These are the sort of people who believe they have some form of divine right to “rule” and dictate to the rest of society.
It says a lot about a person who takes gratification to watch a wild animal be terrorised by pursuing hounds and ripped apart by those hounds. The law states only two hounds are allowed to be used to flush wild mammals, yet these thugs blatantly flout the law under the guise of trail hunting knowing full well their real reason is to hunt and kill foxes.
There is no justification for this so called sport, it has nothing to do with vermin control it is purely to satisfy the bloodlust of perverted individuals with sever personality disorders. There is nothing sporting about it.


  1. Yes keep splitting the next GE vote by alienating/dividing Labour voters in the countryside with these second tier issues…. Rank these in order of importance for me please: homelessness, housing, foxhunting, NHS, nationalisation, economy, job insecurity, etc.

  2. I do wish you would get your facts straight. Lots of people who hunt don’t have a pot to piss in. Sadly this has nothing to do with animal welfare but it more to do with hammering the toffs. How can you say you love animals when horses and hounds are kicked and abused by so called animal lovers? Nobody has a thought for children who may be out either. How would you feel if your child was out enjoying the countryside and got injured or killed by one of these people? Those who hunt are out enjoying being out in the country, riding over land that they wouldn’t normally be able to ride over, having a chat with friends, pitting themselves and their horse against jumps that they would never attempt on a hack. They are following a trail these days. Today I went to a meet and the only ones being abusive in front of children, were sabs, they were also revving cars to frighten the horses. What sort of person puts children and animals at risk like that? It nothing short of terrorism.


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