Fighting for the NHS


As I sit and evaluate the last two years I find myself filled with a mixture of emotions.

Pride – for what we have all achieved, doing things we never imagined we could do, pushing our limits to the extreme to try and get justice for ourselves and our children.

Joy – for all the close friendships made along the way and the happy times that we have embraced throughout the torture and the pain.

Regret – for not quite doing enough, for not saying the things that needed to be said at the right time, for standing back when perhaps we should have been louder.

Sadness – for watching everything unfold whilst the public is still encouraged to believe the lies being told and some, unfortunately, falling for them.

Today (17th August 2018) marks 2 years since we lost our overnight A&E in Grantham.

In December 2018 we will see 2 years since we lost our critical care beds and Monday 20th August 2018 we will see the start of the Orthopaedic Trial, which will see changes made to our services that staff are not happy about.

This will, unfortunately, lead to staff leaving and the service becoming “unsustainable”, all part of the plan.

Yet the public is still being lied to, from all directions and I’m not sure how we combat this moving forward.



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