Well , it looks like the end of Camden is in sight..


How many of us have spent hours at the market and food stalls in Camden ? Watched bands and great comedy shows then stared at all the artistry on the buildings as you made you're way to the tube ?

Well , it looks like the end of Camden is in sight .

The company redeveloping Camden Lock Village has announced its ‘vision’ for the canalside market’s new look. The plans involve a new school, 170 new homes, only 14 of which will be affordable housing, which in itself are unaffordable at 250 grand each . as well as shops and market pitches for chain or corporate companies to replace all the sole traders , plus 100,000 square feet of offices.

The project is being lead by Forbes list billionaire Teddy Sagi, who has appointed Mace, the contractors behind the Shard, to oversee the whole thing.
After the plans were announced the traders of Camden Market's middle yard were given some terrible news, with less than a months’ notice, 56 people will be losing their businesses and 150 people will be losing their jobs and livelihoods.

Camden has recently been bought/invested in by Kerb street markets who have been planning their re-development for just over a year. Their plan is to kick out all of the businesses that are currently there and replace them with new businesses with bigger pockets .
For many years, the traders of Camden Market have fed and provided joy to the millions of tourists and locals that have passed through.
It has been a beautiful example of the entrepreneurial spirit of London .
These people have worked tirelessly to make their businesses work and to keep the energy of Camden alive.
For many people, there is no second option, and there is no plan b.
Camden is beautiful because of its uniqueness and diversity and that is what these traders provide, these aren’t people with millions of pounds behind them, these aren’t money hungry business people, these are passionate people, in love with the food they create, who strive every day to create amazing street food that is enjoyed and loved by the locals and tourists that have tasted it.

Camden is a vital contributor to the UK's economic success, contributing 1% to its GDP. It is home to hundreds of small businesses and the world famous Camden market, which is one of London's most visited tourist attractions.

Losses to Camden's famous creative industries are estimated to be in excess of £600 million, plus 9000 jobs.

The problems in Camden will be compounded by the rebuilding of Euston station, and surrounding areas, to accommodate HS2 trains. This work will be on a massive scale. The plans currently proposed by HS2 Ltd are the most destructive under consideration, and will cause massive damage to the surrounding area including the demolition of 250 homes (the 14 'affordable' homes will not replace these !) and the probable bankruptcy of the much loved Bangladeshi restaurants in Drummond Street.
Traffic will be gridlocked over a wide area.
There will be up to an additional 1000 lorries on the roads every day

Overall, direct losses to Camden from HS2 construction work will amount to £1.01 billion.
Indirect losses have not been calculated.
Over ten years, the gross domestic output (GVA) affected by HS2's current plans is estimated to be £49.8 billion, which will have a significant impact not only on Camden, but on the wider UK economy.


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