We Need Your Help!! By Unity March Team



Good Morning Unity Family 

Quick group anouncement..
The team here at Unity March are committed to raising awareness and directly helping in a real world manner.. We have spent the last 10 months establishing our news service and making real world connections and offering support via our Unity Community Outreach team headed up by Viv Digby

We have done all of this so far with very minimal financial support and a fook ton of will power to see the job done..

Moving forward Unity March is expanding the real world ways in which we help.. and for this we need money! Now we are aware that these are tough times… and that most of our users are on their uppers to begin with.. But we as a community are strong.. as our core philosophy states : In Unity We Find Strength!
So we are setting up a Paypal account where we wil be asking our supporters and regular users to make a voluntary monthly donation of as little as a pound.. doesnt sound like a lot .. but a pound multipied 1000 times is a chunk of change that we can continue to do good with.. Obviously if people can afford more than a pound were not gonna say no  but be assured our services and website will remain free at point of use for anyone that needs them regardless of ability to support us in our mission!

We are a team! we are strong together! we can make a difference!

Please help if you can!

Subscibe via the side bar >>>>>

And for Desktop/Laptop users you can also go to – https://www.facebook.com/UnityMarchUK/app/208195102528120/

Much love

The Unity Team x



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