A refugee or a human being? – By Riaz Ahmad


A refugee or a human being ?

This is my message to the Western community.
I'm sorry, and I'm ashamed. Because I am a refugee and I have no right to live in peace and with dignity, like every human deserves . I am ashamed because I want to stay alive and live in part of the land. The only thing I want is a free life. The only fault , I was born in a country ruled by people who do not believe in freedom nor a same right for all.

I am sorry because I searched for a peaceful life and for freedom and social justice in the wrong place .

Sometimes I am shocked because the truth of Western ( European ). I feel ashamed when I find the European representative of the people of freedom, justice and equality is subject to a conspiracy hatched by the media.

I'm sorry it's not my fault I am a refugee .
When you control the forces of evil.
Not my fault because I believe in the same freedom, justice, equality and dignity for all humans beings .

It is not a big sin or big fault that someone wants to live in peace. I want you guys living in different countries such as UK Switzerland, Norway, Denmark, Belgium, Germany, France etc to know this .

I just hope that all of us have learned that what's happening across the world now with human refugees is a disgrace to humanity.

I want to say that when someone gets refused to stay in your community, European life, piece of land, your country .
Ask your government why I am here .
Why would I accept to live in this inhuman situation.
Why I lost my family. And my future.
Why I lost my humanity.

It's the biggest lie in the history of mankind. Human Rights Organisation.
I think animal such as dogs have the right to live and roam in Europe but not me ?
Because I AM ME.
Your brother.
Your friend .
Your future partner here in Europe.

I feel ashamed of being a human. I feel ashamed in this universe we judge others by jungle law.

I'm sorry again, but please please please, look and read your truth between the lines. And change your view of all this.

I have told you why I'm here .
How I came to be here and why I stay .
I want to integrate myself into the community and learn from all of my friends across the world as well.

I am here to share my pain with all of you and ask you to ask these questions yourself ……?

Riaz Ahmad

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