NHS NOT FOR SALE. By Nick Clarke


Theresa May is nothing more than duplicitous LIAR and not fit to hold the post of Prime Minister.

She stood up in the House of Commons at PMQ's on Wednesday and when pressed by Jeremy Corbyn she LIED and said that the NHS "was not for sale, and never will be", yet later that day the out of hours service for patients in Gloucestershire was sold off to Care UK.

Care UK are extremely unpleasant company, in 2014 they took over the provision of service for people with severe learning disabilities in Doncaster South Yorkshire.
Their first action was to cut the wages of their staff by 35% straight away. They also employed an extra 100 staff at the miserly sum of £7 per hour. They were awarded the contract after submitting a tender that they could fulfil the contract for £6.7 million over a period of 3 years, the wage bill alone in that period was £7 million.

They have paid no corporation tax since they were bought by a private equity firm Bridgepoint in 2010, they also have a reduced tax bill after reaching an agreement with HMRC after taking out loans through the Channel Islands stock exchange.

This company were also tasked with the operation of the urgent care centre at Ealing Hospital where they were implicated in several controversial medical incidents which were highlighted in ITV's Exposure programme in July 2015.

Pregnant women with ectopic pregnancies forced to wait up to 3 hours before being seen by a GP

Work experience students having to check on patients due to excessive workloads of Doctors and Nurses.

Clinics having to deal with up to 50% more patients than they could safely cope with.

Patients told to take their own temperatures.

Discovery of empty medicine cabinets and admission by Doctors that they frequently run out painkillers and antibiotics.

Allegations that patients were registered as discharged before they had been treated to avoid breaching the 4 hour waiting target.

When Andrew Lansley was the opposition health spokesman he was the beneficiary of a donation of £21,000 for his private office from the head of Care UK; John Nash. Langley later became Secretary of State for Health, (prior to the current incumbent the despicable Jeremy Hunt who is intent on the privatisation of the NHS as he outlined in the book; An Agenda for a New Model Party which was co-authored by Hunt, and those other abhorrent Tories; Michael Gove, Greg Clarke, Douglas Carswell, Daniel Hannan, David Gauke and Kwasi Kwarteng, calling for the effective privatisation of the NHS). Lansley was later accused of a conflict of interest due to Care UK being a beneficiary of the proposed changes.
In 2014 Lord Nash the former head of Care UK became an (unelected) government minister and unsurprisingly Care UK were awarded the contract to run services for people with severe learning disabilities in Doncaster, South Yorkshire.

In 2013 when Care UK through a subsidiary company Harmoni were responsible for providing the 111 service for Lincolnshire they were the subject of a Channel 4 Dispatches programme. Evidence was discovered of staff shortages, excessive waiting times and ambulances being incorrectly deployed. In the programme one of the call centre managers was quoted that the service provide by Harmoni at weekends "was unsafe" because there insufficient numbers of staff to deal with the amount of calls being received.

The NHS is slowly being privatised drip by drip by this government which spews nothing but lies and deceit in their ideological pursuit of the destruction of the NHS. They fought tooth and nail to prevent it's birth in 1948 and since then whenever they were in office they have taken every opportunity to destabilise it and hive off profitable sections to their supporters and donors, and will not stop until they have overseen the total demise of the NHS.

If the NHS is to be saved the public have to mobilise and make this regressive government understand that the NHS is already paid for by the public through their N.I. contributions and is NOT FOR SALE to asset strippers and and Tory MP's with interests in private health care companies, but to be properly funded instead of the deliberate underfunding by the Tories designed to make it fail and so justify its privatisation.

Lets support the NHS at the National protest on 4th March and send a resounding unequivocal message to May, Hunt and her nest of vipers masquerading as this country's government that we will not allow the death of the NHS. It might be on life support but it can be saved.

Sources: Canary, Guardian, ITV News, Channel 4 Dispatches, Daily Mail, Daily Telegraph, Spalding Today.


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