Britain doesn’t do Fascists. Petition to ban Trump from UK goes viral! (Editorial)


Britain doesn't do Fascists.

Since it has been announced that “The Donald” or President Fart will be coming to the UK for an invitation with the queen.

Organised protests are springing up left, right and centre and a measure of British indignation, a petition has sprung up, which in less than 24 hours since its inception has reached 681,119 signatories stating that Mr Trump should be banned from our shores.

This is in response to his misogynistic, fascist and downright rude views.

The bloke is a danger to the security of the world.

It's reported that the petition is climbing by between 500-1000 signatures a minute.

It is very likely that this petition will surpass the total signatories of the second EU referendum, which stood at 4,150,260.

The question is Maggie May are you going to listen to the will of the people once their decision is final?

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