Uber Strikes


On the 9th of October, there was a day of action for Uber drivers. An Uber strike began at 1 pm and lasted twenty-four hours across three UK cities. Uber drivers are striking over pay and working conditions.

The strikes have the support of The United Private Hire Drivers branch of the Independent Workers Union of Great Britain.

In just one of the rallies today in London, hundreds of drivers walked through the streets of London to finally stop outside Uber’s HQ, shouting “shame on Uber”.

Drivers are protesting for better treatment from the $72 billion profit making company and better pay. They are demanding an end to unsubstantiated deactivation of drivers, a decrease in Uber’s commission from 25% to 15% and a respect for workers rights.

John McDonnell, Labour’s shadow chancellor tweeted in support of the strikes today and called on people to “respect the app picket line.”

Today’s walkout comes after strikes last week by employees of McDonald’s, Wetherspoons, TGI Fridays and UberEats, over pay disputes.

Low paid workers are beginning to fight back after years of stagnating wages and unfair treatment by large profit-making private companies.

If you are experiencing low pay and unfair treatment at work, join a union today.

Why join a union? When we work together and combine our voices, employers have to listen. We are stronger together.

Union members generally achieve higher pay and receive better benefits because workers come together to negotiate working conditions rather than leaving them to managers. This is just the tip of the iceberg of what a union can do for you and your place of work.

If you are unsure which Union is best for you, the Trades Union Congress website can help you decide here.



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