Few facts about Paul Nuttal, the UKIP MEP for North West England and newly appointed UKIP Leader. By Koser Saeed


• Paul Nuttall has called for the National Health Service to be privatised.
• Nuttall is a committed British Unionist but also wants to see the establishment of an English Parliament.
• Paul Nuttall is Catholic and opposes abortion.
• Paul Nuttall is Homophobic and apposes marriage for same sex couples
• Paul Nuttall isn’t impressed with political correctness and vehemently defends his right to make sexist remarks.
• Paul Nuttall doesn’t believe in Climate Change and thinks that it’s some sort of money led scam. He thinks we should scrap the Climate Change Act, invest in Fracking and abolish all green taxes and levies.
• Paul Nuttall believes we should get rid of the ban on hunting foxes
• Paul Nuttall believes we should get rid of the Human Rights Act
• Paul Nuttal would like a referendum to re-introduce the death penalty
• Paul Nuttal has exhibited Nazi leanings and actually believes, and I quote, that “all cultures are not equal”. He thinks that only head banging militant lefties, who hate the country that they live in would argue that all cultures were equal. Ironically, Paul argues that this is mainly because other cultures are misogynistic when he, himself, has made some overtly misogynistic remarks himself. I’m sure most women would agree that English men can be just as misogynistic as any other.
• Paul Nuttall doesn’t believe that British Soldiers should face prosecution for committing war crimes. Wonder if he would feel the same about foreign soldiers committing war crimes against the British?
• Paul Nuttall attended and gave a speech at the Jerusalem Leader’s Summit in 2015, where he took the opportunity to demonise Muslims and Islam with particular focus given again to misogyny and also talking about the grooming of young girls and suggesting that this was a problem that was rife in the Pakistani Muslim community (because of course misogyny, grooming and child sexual abuse doesn’t exist in the white, anglo-saxon, Christian community at all, does it?).
• Paul Nuttal wrote an article in August 2015 in which he criticised the government for not erecting a fence to keep Calais refugees out of Britain. He then went on to say “We should pay for signs to put up across northern Africa which say ‘you will not get into Britain’ and people will stop coming”
• Paul Nuttal wrote another article in August 2015 in which he criticised the BBC about a news story they ran on a rise of attacks on the Jewish community. The BBC reported that there had been a marked increase in far right extremism and that this had resulted in a 50% increase in attacks on Jews. However, Nuttall refused to accept this and suggested that it had to be anti-Semitic Islamism.
• Paul Nuttall wants to ban the Burqa
• Paul Nuttall has said he would offer Farage a peerage, if it was offered to the party.
• Paul Nuttall is offensively sexist and has even remarked in an article he wrote for Huff Post that “We Should Throw Sturgeon in Front of a Hunt Horse for Pankhurst Day”
• Incidentally, Nuttall was found to place 736th out of 756 MEPs in terms of attendance in the European Parliament. He defended his record, stating “I have no interest sitting all day in Brussels committees enacting job-killing, democracy-destroying legislation inspired by the EU”

I could go on but I think you’ve probably had your fill of Paul Nuttall by now. I will, however, leave you with a fantastic piece of observation by the wonderful Mr Stewart Lee…



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